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    The Thiess International Riverprize was first awarded in 1999, and has grown to become the world's most prestigious environmental award. There are now 15 international winners and more than 50 finalists who have demonstrated their outstanding…
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    The China Europe Water Platform was launched in March 2012 at the 6th World Water Forum as a new working group of the EU Water Initiative, with Denmark and Portugal co-leading the work.    The specific purpose of the CEWP Work Programme 2012-2015 is…
  • проектов
    The China Europe Water Platform was launched in March 2012 at the 6th World Water Forum as a new working group of the EU Water Initiative, with Denmark and Portugal co-leading the work.    The specific purpose of the CEWP Work Programme 2012-2015…
  • проектов
    Geneva, 17 March 2012 – The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (UNECE Water Convention), adopted in Helsinki, Finland on 17 March 1992, celebrates…
  • проектов
    Geneva, 17 March 2012 – The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (UNECE Water Convention), adopted in Helsinki, Finland on 17 March 1992, celebrates…
  • проектов
    Plus de 150 films, en provenance de 40 pays, réalisés autant par des professionnels du cinéma, que des acteurs des enjeux de l'eau, des représentants de la société civile, des jeunes et des amateurs, seront en compétition. 17 Prix en argent, d'une…
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    En total: más de 150 filmes, provenientes de 50 países.   Los temas: mitos y leyendas acuáticas, baños públicos, ritos y tradiciones, protección de las zonas húmedas, ecosistemas acuáticos, derecho de acceso al agua potable y al saneamiento,…
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  • проектов
    Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (web site: http://www.mahaweli.gov.lk) is a member of NARBO and is in a process of preparing river basin plans for its sub basins following integrated water resource Management Principles. Currently, updating of…
  • проектов
    L'Académie du Réseau International des Organismes de Bassin (INBO Academy) et le Centre Européen pour la Restoration des Rivières (ECCR) s'associent pour la mise en place d'une formation à distance en langue anglaise sur le thème :   Introductory…
  • проектов
    La Academia de la Red Internacional de Organismos de Cuenca (INBO Academy) y el Centro Europeo para la Restauración de los Ríos (ECCR) se asocian para desarrollar una capacitación a distancia en inglés en el tema :    Introducción a la restauración…