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  • Новости
    La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Agua 2023, gran acontecimiento que tuvo lugar del 22 al 24 de marzo de 2023, en Nueva York, fue la ocasión de llevar la voz de las cuencas a la escena internacional. La RIOC, a través de la…
  • Новости
    The United Nations 2023 Water Conference, a major event which took place from 22 to 24 March 2023, in New York, was the occasion to bring the voice of the basins on the international scene. INBO, through the speech of the African Network of Basin…
  • Международные инициативы
    La Iniciativa de la OCDE sobre la gobernanza del agua es una red multilateral internacional de unos 100 representantes de los sectores público, privado y sin fines de lucro que se reúne dos veces al año en un foro de políticas públicas a para…
  • Международные инициативы
    The OECD Initiative on Water Governance is an international multi-stakeholder network of about 100 representatives of public, private and non-profit which meets twice a year in a Public Policy Forum to to share experiences on ongoing reforms,…
  • Международные инициативы
  • Международные инициативы
    The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (Convention on the UNECE Water in English UNECE) was adopted Helsinki 17 March 1992. It is the…
  • Новости
    African countries are expected to be affected most by Climate Change, particularly from changing rainfall patterns and therefore the quantity and quality of water resources. Many of these countries require a strengthened knowledge base to…
  • Новости
    African countries are expected to be affected most by Climate Change, particularly from changing rainfall patterns and therefore the quantity and quality of water resources. Many of these countries require a strengthened knowledge base to…
  • Новости
    El propósito de AGLI es proporcionar la información adecuada a las personas adecuadas en el formato adecuado para unir la ciencia, la práctica y las políticas. Esperamos que AGLI ayude a la comunidad de los Grandes Lagos de África a acceder y…
  • Новости
    The purpose of AGLI is to get the right information to the right people in the right format to unite science, practice and policies. We hope that AGLI will help the African Great Lakes community access and transform existing data into useful…
  • Международные инициативы
      Roadmap for the UN Environment Programme Governing Bodies - 4 July, 2018
  • Международные инициативы
      Roadmap for the UN Environment Programme Governing Bodies - 4 July, 2018
  • Международные инициативы
    Pacto de París - Ven firmar el pacto!     El Pacto de Paris  -  todos los idiomas disponibles
  • Международные инициативы
    Paris Pact – You can still join the Pact!     The Paris Pact - all languages
  • Международные инициативы
      The round table organized during this "Water and Adaptation" Day allowed presenting real examples of adaptation projects in different basins in China (Hai River Basin), India (aquifer management), Mexico (Mexico Valley), South America (ECOCUENCAS…