INBO - Newsletter

Africa 15 INBO Newsletter n° 27 - May 2019 African Network of Basin Organizations - ANBO ANBO: Advocating for a new vision Rése Afri RAOB - ANBO The African Network of Basin Organizations (ANBO) was created in July 2002 to provide African Basin Organizations with institu- tional representation for strength- ening the governance of trans- boundary waters in Africa. The “Institutional Capacity Building for the African Network of Basin Organi- zations (ANBO) to Contribute to the Improvement of Transboundary Water Governance in Africa” (ANBO-UNDP/ GEF) project was designed and imple- mented in such a context. The ANBO-UNDP/GEF project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) supported by UNDP as implementing agency and OMVS and UNESCO as executing agencies for the project. Its aim is to build the coordination and collaboration capacities of African lake and river basin organizations and com- missions and to strengthen the frame- works for cooperation on transbound- ary groundwater management, as well as those of their Member States, with a view to improving transboundary water governance in Africa. The project has two components: ➊ One on building the institutional and technical capacities of ANBO as a technical body of AMCOW (African Ministers’ Council on Water); ➋ The other on support for capa­ city building of lake / river basin organizations, groundwater com- missions and RECs (Regional Economic Commissions) to foster transboundary cooperation. The specificity of this project is to propose a new vision that transforms ANBO into an “organization of ser- vices” for its members. The idea of service is to show ANBO’s added value to transboundary basin organizations by providing them with adequate answers to their needs. To go further in this dynamic and revi- talize the network, the ANBO-UNDP/ GEF project has identified 5 major stra- tegic pillars that may support this new vision of ANBO. These are institutional governance, cli- mate change, groundwater, knowledge sharing and sustainable funding. ANBO booth - African Water Week - Libreville - Gabon 29 October - 2 November 2018 Kick-off workshop for ANBO-UNDP/GEF project 1 - 2 October 2018 - Dakar - Senegal All these above-mentioned points and the renewal of ANBO bodies will be on the agenda of the next ANBO General Assembly to be held in Tunis from 2 to 5 July 2019. Topical sessions, mainly focused on climate change, groundwater and sustainable funding, will be led by partners and network members throughout the General Assembly and feedbacks will be given to allow ANBO members to appropriate Afri- ca’s new climate and environmental challenges. These challenges are multiple because this GA follows a year and a half of total lack of activities after the ending of the SITWA project. Other major topics will be dealt with during this ANBO General Assembly: l Analysis and review of the sta- tutes; l Evaluation of the 10-year stra­ tegy; l A proposal for a new roadmap; l Assessment of the five-year action plan (2015-2019); l Proposal for a new 2019-2024 action plan; l Election of the new Coordination Committee and the new ANBO President. All these above-mentioned points will be used for revitalizing ANBO, which is at a crossroads. Pape Ndiouga NDIAYE Expert in communication and knowledge management ANBO-UNDP/GEF Réseau Africain des Organismes de Bassin - RAOB African Network of Basin Organizations - ANBO RAOB - ANBOépart-pour-le-raob