INBO Newsletter n° 21 - April 2013
implementation of the Water Framework Directive
Discussions on adaptation to global
changes, especially climate chan-
ge, should be introduced as soon as
possible for preparing the second
phase of River Basin Management
Plans (RMBPs) 2015-2021
cially for analyzing their effects and vul-
nerability and for defining adaptation
measures to be recommended in a
context of uncertainty. Within such a
framework, the choice of appropriate
indicators to assess the "water Foot-
print" of the different uses and improve
efficiency in relation to water scarcity is
It is also necessary to develop new
approaches to river restoration and
protection of water ecosystems,
passing from a point approach to large-
scale restoration projects, articulated
with different multi-purpose planning
mechanisms on appropriate scales. To
do this, we need to promote the sharing
of information, expertise and best prac-
tices, as well as improving knowledge
through appropriate actions in R&D,
hydromorphology and restoration of
rivers and wetlands.
Water governance in transboun-
dary basins should be improved
especially in the “International Dis-
tricts” created for the EU-WFD imple-
mentation, which requires cooperation
agreements signed by riparian coun-
tries to establish the conditions for
appropriate governance, based on
mutual confidence, common unders-
tanding of the basin problems, on avai-
lable and shared accurate data and
analysis and with the involvement of
The role and means of the Interna-
tional Commissions for transboun-
dary rivers, either existing or being
established, should be streng-
to enable effective WFD imple-
mentation in the concerned EU coun-
To cope with the challenges related to
global change (climate and socio-eco-
nomy) and to the prevention of extreme
phenomena, it is necessary to integrate
adaption to these changes in the key
steps of the drafting of River Basin
Management Plans, taking care to
introduce an uncertainty logic to define
sufficiently flexible measures. Policies
should be adaptive enough to allow
progressive adaptation and basin expe-
riments involved in such a process
should encourage the building of new
institutional and individual capacities
that are required.
The WFD can be used as a toolbox for
addressing adaptation to climate
change in areas at risk, to reduce the
impacts of droughts and flood risks.
Regarding the economic analysis, it is
necessary to improve knowledge on
how subsidies were considered in the
RBMPs and to clearly define cost reco-
The assessment of Environmental
and Resource costs requires better
methodology and data availability
while the economic approach to
ecosystem services is to be streng-
Monitoring and information sys-
tems should be strengthened
adapted to the objectives to be achie-
ved and better compared between
Member States, but the issue of their
investment and operation costs arises
in many situations.
The high cost of implementing the
WFD and "daughter" directives
raises a problem, in the context of
an economic and budgetary crisis,
to achieve the set-out ambitious
goals on schedule.
The goals of controlling non-point pol-
lution and restoring degraded water
ecosystems may not be achieved for
many Water Bodies in any case for the
2015 or even later deadlines.
New measures will be required
implying additional means which
are not currently planned or have
been pushed back to the end of the
2021 - 2027 period.
Finally, the involvement of stakehol-
ders and the public is crucial to
improve water resources management,
their early information and participa-
tion in the decision-making processes
should be further increased.
Appropriation by all decision-
makers and users of the water-
related policies and of the resulting
measures is essential for progress
and effectiveness of undertaken
Recognizing, on the one hand, the inte-
rest of the WFD principles and
methods for other regions of the world,
and on the other, the sharing of some
transboundary water bodies with
neighbouring countries of the EU,
community cooperation with Part-
ner Countries from the Mediterra-
nean, the Balkans and Eastern
Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia
is to be pursued and increased.
In particular, this cooperation should
primarily focus on topics for
and transboundary surface and
groundwater management
with the
support of regional institutions, for
strengthening national information
and their harmonization with
international reporting mechanisms,
managers or planners of
water resources and for
the participa-
of users, local authorities and
Opening ceremony on 17 October 20
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