INBO Newsletter n° 21 - April 2013
Latin America
Preservation of the Panama Canal Basin
The Panama Canal Basin was divided
into eight districts. This organization
allowed integrating social, economic
and environmental aspects into the
environmental strategy, based on better
inter-ministerial coordination and stra-
tegic alliances to strengthen relation-
ships and continuity in the community
associations and in production activi-
ties in this region of the country.
To ensure water quantity and quality, it
is necessary to preserve and increase
the vegetation cover in the basin. The
deforestation rate is an indicator of the
man pressure on the renewable natural
resources of its forests.
This example of successful manage-
ment in just 11 years of Panamanian
administration has allowed preserving
six protected areas which occupy
38.5% of the basin territory (1,309 km
It was observed that, for the 1985-
2008 period, the deforestation rate had
decreased and tends towards equili-
brium. The natural regeneration pro-
jects and reforestation programs im-
plemented by the institutions of the
State, the Communities and private
firms are indeed higher than the des-
truction of forests by traditional clea-
ring and burning.
Oscar Vallarino B.
Panama Canal Authority
Fax: (507) 2762375
Water governance and inter-institutional coordination
The Inter-institutional Commission
of the Panama Canal Basin (CICH)
is responsible for the implementation
of the socio-environmental strategy.
A planning process continuously
guides conservation and protection ini-
tiatives in coordination with all stake-
holders involved in the integrated
management of the territory.
This process includes the participation
of all interested stakeholders in a Mas-
ter Plan with a vision for 25 years,
Sustainable Development and Inte-
grated Water Resources Manage-
ment Plan for the Canal Basin
(DSGIRH Plan),
which will facilitate a
series of orderly and coordinated
The results of the implementation of
this plan have been satisfactory since
its formulation in 2007, because in
2011 it had already facilitated the
implementation of projects with the
participation of various governmental,
non-governmental and community
organizations for which the largest
investment focused on community
infrastructure projects that significantly
improve the quality of life of the Basin
The goal is to continue strengthening
this social participatory community
process, by helping to build capacities
and improve water governance.
Oscar Vallarino B.
Panama Canal Authority
Fax: (507) 2762375
Advisory Council
The Third Locks Project
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