Handbook on Water Information Systems

HANDBOOK WATER INFORMATION SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION, PROCESSING AND EXPLOITATION OF WATER-RELATED DATA www. inbo-news .org | www. unesco .org/water/ 114 REFERENCES Gebremichael and F. Hossain, Eds., Springer, 49–67 [67] Del Corral, J., Blumenthal, M., Mantilla, G., Ceccato, P., Connor, S. and Thomson, M. (2012). Climate information for public health: the role of the IRI climate data library in an integrated knowledge system Geospatial Health, 6(3), 15 [68] International Water Association – IWA [69] DriDanube Drought User Service, http://www.interreg-danube.eu/news-and-events/project- news/1114 [70] EauFrance, ADES presentation brochure "Get, search for groundwater data and play them back", http://www.ades.eaufrance.fr/Spip.aspx?page=IMG/ pdf/Flyer-ADES-AN-BD.pdf [71] Dir. Técnica, Aguas de La Habana- Cuba [72] Pierre-Alain Roche, Solène Le Fur & Guillem Canneva, 2012, Improving Performance of water and sanitation public services. http://www.aspect2050.fr/files/Ouvrage_Performance_UK_LD.pdf [73] WFD reporting guidance 2016 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/help/WFD/WFD_521_2016/Guidance/WFD_ReportingGuidance.pdf [74] http://www.water.europa.eu [75] https://www.eea.europa.eu [76] https://unstats.un.org/unsd/envaccounting/workshops/wwf2009/wise.pdf [77] uwwtd.oieau.fr [78] International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) [79] International Sava River Basin Commission