Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins

6 Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins of national regulatory frameworks to support project viability and success; andbudget and resource support. RBOs can build evidence for strategic regional climate action through basin assessments and investment readi- ness work. Basin-level analyses support the articulation of a more robust case for investments in sector, national, and regional plans, as well as facilitate con- structive dialogue with potential donors. Several transboundary basins, especially those with established basin organizations, are taking cooperative approaches to addressing climate change. Basin organi- zations are taking action by collecting climate-related data, developing adaptation strategies, and imple- menting activities on the ground. Even in basins with- out RBOs, cooperation on climate change adaptation is possible; see, for instance, transboundary adaptation strategies in the Dniester and Neman river basins in Eastern Europe, as well as in the Mekong river basin (see box 1.1). Sometimes the need for coopera- tion on climate change adaptation can even facilitate transboundary cooperation more broadly. TABLE 1.2. Roles of RBOS and Regional Institutions Project preparation Project implementation Project follow-up Stakeholder consultation Stakeholder engagement; capacity building Communication; stakeholder polling Regional needs assessments Reporting Monitoring and evaluation Financial resource identification and mobilization Finance partner coordination; fund- ing recipient a ; funds disbursement b Information gathering Information management Historical record Project proposal evaluation Communication Country coordi- nation Country coordination Country coordination Project document prep Implementation, when mandated Reporting Note: RBO = river basin organization. a. When the RBO is the recipient or target of project benefits. b. If the RBO has financial or fiduciary powers. BOX 1.1. Case Study: Mekong Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan for the Lower Mekong Basin • Lower Mekong Basin shared by Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand, and Vietnam • Implementing agencies: Mekong River Commission The Mekong Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan (MASAP) 2018–2022 supports the member countries of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) in planning for addressing transboundary impacts of climate change and needs for transboundary adaptation in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB). Approved in 2017, the MASAP sets out the MRC’s strategic priorities and actions at the basin level. Member countries have agreed to implement the following seven strategic priorities: • Mainstream climate change into regional and national policies, programs, and plans • Enhance regional and international cooperation and partnership on adaptation • Prepare transboundary and gender-sensitive adaptation options • Support access to adaptation finance box continues next page