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Senator Olivier Cadic ttended by Mr. Arthur Nazarian, Minister of Energy and Water of Lebanon, organizes this conference which aims to explore the interest of advocating the concept of hydrodiplomatie to ensure the future generations of the Middle East region abundant water and good quality and promote water culture for peace in this region.
it was agreed that a Symposium on "Hydrodiplomacy and climate change for peace in the Middle East", will be organized on 1 December 2015, before the Opening of COP 21, in the Senate of Paris, which will also include the launch of the book published by UNESCO entitled « Science diplomacy and transboundary water management: The Orontes River case».
 We expect that the Symposium will contribute to the identification of the challenges and will help finding directions for answers to questions persistently posed by citizens of the Middle -East such as:
  • How to limit the impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean countries?
  • How to apply sustainable management on scarce water resources in the region?
  • How to ensure access of the population to quality water in sufficient quantities?
  • How to convince users to adopt water economy and water efficiency behaviors?
  • How to minimize the possibility of water wars in the Southeast Mediterranean shore and encouraging governments to adopt participatory policies in water resources management?
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Session 1 - Fadi Comair, Président d’honneur du REMOB et Directeur Général des Ressources Hydrauliques et Electriques au Ministère de l’Energie et de l’Eau Libanais

 Copyright DGREE Liban 

Session 1 - Questions

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Session 2 - Questions

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Session 3 - Questions

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 Copyright DGREE Liban