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  • Témoignages
    Biologist, Professor Emeritus of the University of Le Mans - Researcher in the Joint Research Unit "Space and Society" of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) - France
  • Témoignages
    Alto Comisionado, Organización para el Desarrollo del Río Gambia (OMVG) - Guinea  
  • Témoignages
    High Commissioner - Organization for the Development of the Gambia River (OMVG) - Guinea    
  • Témoignages
    Haut-Commissaire - Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Gambie (OMVG) - Guinée  
  • Témoignages
    Comisario de Aguas - Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (CHG)
  • Témoignages
    Water Commissioner of the Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (CHG) - Spain
  • Témoignages
    Secretario Permanente del Plan de Acción sobre la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos - Ministerio de Agua y Saneamiento - Burkina-Faso
  • Témoignages
    Permanent Secretary of the Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management - Ministry of Water and Sanitation - Burkina-Faso
  • Témoignages
    Presidenta de la Embajada del Agua, Vice-presidenta del Comité de Cuenca Sena-Normandía - Francia
  • Témoignages
    President of the Water Embassy, Vice-President of the Seine-Normandy Basin Committee - France
  • Témoignages
    Présidente de l'Ambassade de l'Eau - Vice-Présidente du Comité de Bassin Seine-Normandie - France
  • Proyectos
      This project addresses existing challenges in both development and implementation of efficient management of water resources. It specifically supports the EaP countries to move towards the approximation to EU acquis in the field of water...
  • Proyectos
      This project addresses existing challenges in both development and implementation of efficient management of water resources. It specifically supports the EaP countries to move towards the approximation to EU acquis in the field of water...
  • Proyectos
      This project addresses existing challenges in both development and implementation of efficient management of water resources. It specifically supports the EaP countries to move towards the approximation to EU acquis in the field of water...
  • Proyectos
      Этот проект решает существующие проблемы как при разработке, так и при осуществлении эффективного управление водными ресурсами. Он поддерживает страны Восточного партнерства в продвижении к сближению с принципами работ Европейского Союза в области...